FLORENTIN FONCHE FOUNDATION is a Not for Profit Organisation registered in the United Kingdom. Further information about us can be obtained by reading through the different sections of this website and / or getting in touch with us directly or through our local representatives.
FLORENTIN FONCHE FOUNDATION was formed to help Chidren, promote Education, Peace, Business Development, Environmental and Heatlh programmes globally.
To accomplish our overal goals the FLORENTIN FONCHE FOUNDATION has now established separate initiatives, each with a distinct mission but all reflecting our vision: aimed at implementing sustainable programs that improve access worldwide to investments, opportunities, and lifesaving services now and for future generations. Working in different communities, countries and in diverse geographic regions and responding to local needs, the initiatives listed above address targeted challenges in the Foundation’s key areas of focus: education, environment, economic empowerment, health systems, and poverty alleviation.
To achieve our aims and objectives, through out initiatives we emphasise on the following:
Measurability of Results.
Innovation and Markets.
Replication and Scale.
Positive change and impact.
Strategically through our foundation we can achieve positive change in our communities, countries and hence globally. This ofcourse would help shape the way in which business is done worldwide.