Global Education Program

Our main mission is to improve delivery of educational tools online for the benefit of all worldwide. This would be achieved through the work of volunteers and donations generated. We aim to provide online learning platforms of our own and support other free online learning platforms that disseminate knowledge in Science, Art, Technology and Mathematics through the internet.

These online learning platforms will be made accessible to all across the world. It would target secondary and post secondary education for a start.

Our Program for Developing Countries

Our foundation is of the view that when people in developing countries finally have the opportunity to develop their talents, their societies shall thrive. This is in fact a mammoth task. Thus, helping to ensure access for everyone into secondary and post secondary education.

This cannot only be achieved by us alone, but with all stake holders contributing positively towards eradicating some of the disastrous problems faced in developing countries today. Top on our priority list is working hard in improving both sectors of education – public and private education. This can be achieved through promoting initiatives for free access to internet ready computers and ensuring graduates leave school with better assurances for success. We also believe running scholarship programs would be as effective  in solving the plenty of problems plaguing developing countries today.